Supported Browsers

*Opera Mini on Extreme/Mini Mode is only partially supported.

Supported Properties

These are all properties you can put inside the rhslcolor attribute. They are formatted just like CSS: rhslcolor="align: right; update-self: text-color, hex;"

² hex / rgb / hsl
¹ See the table below:

If you want the color to appear inside an element as text, you can add "+text" at the end of any of the values above. Note that this won't work for elements that can't have text inside them (ex. <img>). Also note that, due to the way that <input> elements work, their text will always get updated with the color value.

RHSL Functions

You're probably not going to need to use these functions, but in case you are coding a more advanced project, they might be helpful.

Other Functions

RHSL needs these functions in order to work, but they can also be used separately from RHSL.

The window.hsluv functions are provided by HSLuv.

HTML Content

Helpful Images/Diagrams